Dr Dental Dental Insurance – Two sets of Teeth 


Humans have two sets of teeth (primary and permanent) during our lifetime. Many people referred to them as our baby teeth and adult teeth.

* Primary Dentition: This is our first set of teeth, often called baby teeth. There are 20 teeth in the primary dentition. Even though we do not keep our primary teeth, they play a crucial role in our dental development. So, just like adult teeth, taking care of our primary teeth is very important.  

* Permanent Dentition: This is our second set of teeth, adult teeth. There are 32 teeth in the permanent dentition. Our adult teeth are meant to last our lifetime, and generally speaking, if proper dental habits and care are given, you should have no problems maintaining and keeping your adult teeth.

Whether it’s primary or permanent dentition teeth, good dental care is vital, along with seeing the dentist regularly to maintain good oral health care and a wonderful smile. Having dental insurance will help keep your dental care cost more affordable, helping you make and keep your dental checkups twice a year. 

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Dr Dental Dental Insurance – Dental HMO Insurance Plans in California 


Question: I have a 13-year-old son who needs some dental care, but I do not have any insurance in force. Since I am not seeking dental care, can I buy only a dental HMO insurance plan for my son?

Answer: That would depend on the plan you are reviewing. Some dental HMO plans will let you buy a plan for a minor only, whereas others will require you to have at least one adult listed as head of household. In that case, you must purchase a couple-plan for you and your minor son. I suggest buying a couple-plan if you also do not have dental insurance. The cost difference between a couple and an individual plan on an HMO is generally not significant, around $10.00 – $15.00 more a month. 

Your dental health care is also essential, and you should see a dentist for at least your preventive care. With most HMO plans, preventive services are free or low-cost to the member. However, if you have any questions about the different dental insurance plan options we provide, please call our member services at 310-534-3444, as we will be happy to help walk you through our plans so that you can pick the right dental plan and coverage for you and or your son.

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Dr Dental Dental Insurance – Understanding some terms that define locations on and around the teeth. 


Sometimes, dentists will use terms we may need to learn or understand when discussing one or more of our teeth. Several terms are used to help define locations on and around the teeth, which are often used to refer to specific areas of the mouth when describing conditions there. Here is a list of some of those terms:    

  • Posterior: Towards the back of the mouth.
  • Anterior: Towards the front of the mouth
  • Mesial: Towards the midline of the mouth.
  • Distal: Away from the midline of the mouth
  • Buccal: Any area on the cheek side of the teeth
  • Lingual: Any area on the tongue side of the teeth
  • Facial: Any area on the cheek or lip side of the teeth. Facial is often used interchangeably with buccal but mainly in the anterior portion of the mouth.
  • Palatal: Any area on the tongue side of the maxillary teeth
  • Occlusal: Any area on the chewing surfaces of back teeth.
  • Incisal: Any area on the biting surfaces of the front teeth.

Knowing and understanding these terms can help you when talking to your dentist. However, feel free to ask questions if you do not understand what your dentist is saying. When it comes to your dental care and the services your dentist provides, communication is a crucial factor in ensuring you are receiving the care you need.

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Dr Dental – Poor Dental Health Can Lead to Loss of Physical Health


The healthcare industry believes that in poor dental health, there is a higher correlation between heart attack, stroke, diabetes, bone loss, and lung disease. 

Researchers at the University of North Carolina School of Dentistry found that people with gum disease were twice as likely as others to die from a heart attack and three times as likely to have a stroke. 

Poor dental health causes oral bacteria that have been linked to pregnancy and birth complications with ties between periodontitis, premature birth, and low birth weight.

Good oral healthcare habits at home are essential, but more is needed. It would be best if you saw your dentist regularly. The standard is at least twice a year. You should see your dentist that best fits your dental care needs regardless of how many times a year. For example, people with gum disease may need to see the dentist four times yearly to maintain good dental care. 

42% of Americans state they should see their dentist more often, falling below at least once a year cleaning—part of the reasoning is dental care cost. Yet having dental insurance in place will make dental care more affordable. Most dental insurance plans offer free to low-cost preventive dental care services. Maintaining regular dental visits helps avoid more significant, costly dental care issues. If you do not have dental insurance or are unhappy with what you do have, call our office at 310-534-3444 M-F 8 am-4 pm. We offer several good dental insurance plan options.

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Dr Dental – Gum Disease 


A few Interesting facts about Gum Disease

* Gum Disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults? 

* More than 50% of women develop gestational gum disease during pregnancy.

* Having a good oral hygiene routine isn’t always enough to prevent periodontal diseases.

* Gum disease is not age-related. Even young children can have poor periodontal health.

* Gum disease affects about half of the adult population in the United States.

* Heart disease and diabetes have a strong tie to chronic periodontitis.

* Gum Disease Can Be Hereditary

* Chronic Bad Breath Is a Sign of Gum Disease

* Dairy Products can Help Prevent Periodontal Disease

* Having no Cavities Doesn’t Mean you Don’t Have Gum Disease

* Gum Disease is highly preventable and reversible when treated by a dental professional.  

See your dentist regularly to maintain good dental health. Have dental insurance to keep lower costs for your dental care needs. If you do not have dental insurance or are unhappy with what you do have, call our office at 310-534-3444 M-F 8 am-4 pm. We offer several good dental insurance plan options. 

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Dr Dental Dental Insurance – Facts about Oral Cancer 


Facts you may not know about Oral Cancer

* Statistics reveal that one person dies every hour from oral cancer, and that number is increasing. 

* Oral Cancers are much more common in men than women and increase as you age.

* Oral Cancers are about equally common in black and white people; however, Black men die at a higher rate than their White counterparts. 

* Much of the risk of mouth cancer is tobacco use (cigarette and chew) and drinking alcohol.

* Most people who are diagnosed with these cancers are older, around the age of 60. 

* There has been an increase in cases of Throat Cancer linked to Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection in both men and women.

* Most people diagnosed with HPV-related cancers are younger, around 40-50 years of age.

* The American Cancer Society’s most recent estimates for oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancers in the United States are for 2023:          

  •  About 54,540 new cases of oral cavity or oropharyngeal cancer 
  •  About 11,580 deaths from oral cavity or oropharyngeal cancer

* Overall, the lifetime risk of developing oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancer is about 1 in 60 for men and 1 in 141 for women. 

On the more positive side, your dentist can help identify oral cancer early so treatment can begin fast to improve the prognosis. In addition, people who have dental insurance are more likely to visit their dentist regularly. Make sure to see your dentist at least twice a year and have a good dental insurance plan to save money on your dental care needs.

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 Dr Dental Dental Insurance – Important Dental Insurance Facts


Dental Insurance Facts: It is essential to know how dental insurance works and how it helps you save money. Here are a few facts to consider when buying dental insurance to buy the right plan for you and your family.

1) Dental insurance is not designed to pay 100% of all dental services rendered. Dental insurance helps you with the cost of dental services by making dental care more affordable.

2) Dental insurance coverage differs and will vary from plan to plan. Some plans pay out by percentages up to UCR, whereas other dental plans provide a fee schedule for dental services covered, stating the amount you pay for each service. It is up to you to read the plan’s terms and conditions to understand its benefits.

3) Generally, PPOs or Indemnity insurance plans base their coverages on percentages up to UCR rates. For example, 80% paid for basic dental services up to what is Usual, Customary, and Reasonable. UCR is the common term for insurance companies’ fee guidelines to pay claims. UCR guidelines were put in place to help control dental inflation. Generally, with PPO plans, when you stay within the plan’s network of providers, you have a lower risk of having UCR fees.

4) Most dental insurance plans provide coverage for routine dental services. However, that is not always the case regarding cosmetic dental care treatment. If you want cosmetic dental care, make sure the dental insurance plan you are buying covers those types of dental services, or you may want to review dental discount plans that can provide up to 20% off cosmetic dental care services.

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Dr Dental Dental Insurance on Chipped and or Cracked Teeth


How do you tell if a tooth is chipped or cracked? The most common chipped or cracked tooth warning signs include erratic chewing pain. Pain with the release of biting pressure. Sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures.

To reduce your risk of chipping or cracking your teeth, you want to avoid munching on ice or hard candies, grinding or clenching teeth, and using your teeth as tools to hold or open items. Even exposing teeth to heat and cold can lead to chips, cracks, and breaks in your teeth. Tiny chips or cracks may not be a bother. But anything more could lead to pain or permanent tooth damage.

If you chip or crack your tooth, you’ll want to schedule a dental appointment with a local dentist as soon as possible. While waiting for your dental appointment, you may take pain-relieving medication to help with discomfort. You can also rinse your mouth with salt water to help eliminate infection-causing bacteria.

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Dr Dental Dental Insurance – Oral Cancer 


Oral cancers can develop on, under, and at the base of the tongue, on the tissue lining the mouth and gums, and in the throat area at the back of the mouth. You want to look for warning signs, such as a mouth sore that does not go away. Unexplained numbness in the face, mouth, or neck. Problems chewing, speaking, or swallowing. 

Causes of oral cancer can include:

  • Smoking cigarettes and using smokeless tobacco.
  • Drinking heavily.
  • Overexposure to the sun.
  • A family history of cancer.

Oral cancer has also been linked to the human papillomavirus or HPV. Do not let fear keep you from the doctor. Oral cancer that is diagnosed early is treatable and curable. 

Your dentist will often look for any signs of oral cancer when you have your regular dental checks. Providing another good reason why having dental checkups is another good reason to make and keep regular dental appointments.

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Dr Dental Dental Insurance – Leukoplakia


What is Leukoplakia?

Leukoplakia is a thickened, white patch that forms on your gums, the insides of your cheeks, the bottom of your mouth, and, sometimes, your tongue. Doctors do not know what causes Leukoplakia but consider chronic irritation from tobacco (smoked, dipped, or chewed) the main culprit in its development.

Leukoplakia reacts to irritants like rough teeth, poorly fitting dentures, smoking, and smokeless tobacco. Leukoplakia can also be a precancerous condition. Persistent patches or other changes in your mouth need a dentist’s evaluation.

Hairy Leukoplakia, sometimes called oral hairy Leukoplakia, primarily affects people with immune systems weakened by disease, especially HIV/AIDS. See a dentist if you think you may have Leukoplakia for an evaluation and treatment.

Leukoplakia treatment is most successful when a lesion is found and treated early when it’s small. Regular checkups are essential, as is routinely inspecting your mouth for areas that don’t look normal. For most people, removing the source of irritation, such as stopping tobacco or alcohol, helps to clear the condition.

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Cold Sores – Dr Dental Dental Insurance


You do not get cold sores or fever blisters from fevers or colds, but they can trigger them. The virus that causes cold sores is usually passed via a kiss, shared utensils, or other close contact. Over-the-counter creams and ointments may help discomfort and speed healing.

Cold sores have no cure, but treatment can help manage outbreaks. Prescription antiviral medicine or creams can help sores heal more quickly. And they may make future episodes happen less often and be shorter and less severe.

Cold Sores Signs and Symptoms

  • You may Feel Tingling and Itching: Many people feel itching, burning, or tingling around the lips for a day before a small, hard, painful spot appears and blisters form.
  • You May See Blisters: Small fluid-filled blisters often form along the border of the lips. Sometimes, they appear around the nose or cheeks or inside the mouth.
  • You May Have Oozing and Crusting: The small blisters may merge and burst. When the blister bursts, it can leave shallow open sores that ooze and crust over.
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Dr. Dental – Partial Dentures 


Study on the possible long-term effects of using partial dentures. 

Partial dentures have advantages, such as appearance, function, and cost. However, according to dentists in China’s dental lab, one should be aware of possible long-term effects. Partial dentures have a long-term potential to cause harm to the remaining teeth and supporting soft tissues. Partial dentures also risk local damage to the remaining teeth resulting from increased caries and periodontal disease and the continued resorption of those parts of the alveolar process supporting the partial denture.

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Dr. Dental – Cosmetic Services 


Dental Insurance and Why dental implants are considered a cosmetic dental service. 

Dental implants for many dental insurance companies fall under a cosmetic dental service or cosmetic dentistry. The problem is that many dental Insurance Companies will not cover or offer benefits for dental implants. One reason is the cost. A general dentist will not usually provide implant services. 

To have implants, you must see a cosmetic dentist or a specialist. Remember that many dental insurance plans do not cover specialists either. Therefore the cost of dental implants is still much higher than the cost of dentures, partials, and bridges that are covered under most dental insurance plans. You may get dental implant services by buying a dental discount plan. With a dental discount plan, you can save around 15 to 20 percent off dental implant costs if dental providers are within the plan network.

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Dr. Dental – Stop Gum Disease


Stopping Gum Disease By Preventing Bacteria. 

A study published in the journal Microbiology states that stripping some mouth bacteria of their access key to gangs of other pathogenic oral bacteria could help prevent gum disease and tooth loss. Treponema denticola frequently gangs up in communities with other pathogenic oral bacteria to produce harmful dental plaque. The study suggests that this bacterial access key could be a drug target for people at high risk of developing gum disease.

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Dr. Dental – Garlic


Enjoy Garlic Without Bad Breath Worries. 

Garlic is perfect for you, and studies show how garlic can help fight off infections, helps to keep your immune system healthy, and even prevent bone and joint problems later in life. Besides that, garlic tastes good in many foods we may enjoy eating. However, the one downside to garlic is the lousy breath effect afterward. Only a few people are a fan of garlic breath. However, a quick way to help neutralize the garlicky smell fast is to sip a small glass of milk.

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Dr. Dental – Stress


Stress can Effect Your Dental and Oral Health Care. 

WebMD dental experts state how too much stress can affect your mouth, teeth, and gums. When stressed, some people develop mouth sores, such as canker sores and cold sores. Too much stress can cause people to grind or clench their teeth, causing tooth damage over time. When under pressure, dental hygiene can decrease, leading to dental decay or gum disease.

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Dr. Dental – Sea Salt


Keeping Sea Salt on Hand for Your Dental Health. 

Having Sea Salt in your medicine cabinet may be a good idea for dental care. Rinsing your mouth with warm salt water can help soothe inflamed gum tissue or canker sores. Experts suggest a salt solution can wipe out some bacteria in your mouth and help create a healthier bacteria level.

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Dr. Dental – Cinnamon


How Cinnamon Can Help Fight Tooth Decay. 

Research suggests that cinnamon has properties that make it effective at fighting inflammation and bacteria, two of your mouth’s biggest enemies. Eating sticky buns does not help but buying toothpaste with cinnamon can. Many toothpaste makers have cinnamon varieties, such as Crest, Colgate, Jason Natural, and Tom’s of Maine. So finding toothpaste with this beautiful ingredient should be relatively easy.

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Dr. Dental – Dental Floss


What Your Dental Floss Can Be Telling You. 

Flossing teeth is a daily habit one should have to maintain oral health care. Here is another dental tip advice you can add to your flossing routine. After flossing, smell your dental floss. That’s right, smell your floss to see how it smells. The smell of dental floss can tell you more about your teeth and gums’ health. If the floss has a gross or rotten smell, this indicates an overgrowth of bacteria between your teeth, which signals decay and means you need to do better flossing. A typical, non-offensive scent means you’re doing a good job.

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Dr. Dental – Health Food for Teeth 


Food that can help to whiten your teeth naturally. 

The cost of whitening products is increasing as more people try to get and maintain their white teeth. Did you know that there are foods you can eat that will help keep your teeth white? Food such as Apples and celery help to polish your teeth and gums. Strawberries produce an enzyme called malic acid, which helps keep teeth white, and cheese contains a type of lactic acid that helps zap tooth decay. This and proper dental hygiene can help you have and maintain healthy white teeth.

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